Sunday, March 20, 2016

The cucumber diet reduced 15 pounds in just two weeks!

Incredibly just a cucumber a diet you can lose weight up to 15 pounds in just 14 days.Over the meal, there's nothing to watch. With the other food you can eat cucumber. Again, there is no painless exercise.Only greatly reduce your weight in a simple manner. Let us assume that a cucumber diet before the procedure to learn about some of the nutrients.Cucumber nutrient:Cucumber is a vegetable full of vitamins and mineral water for about 96 per cent. Cucumbers vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin A, folic acid, good source of potassium and manganese.The ribophlabina, pyantothenika acid, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur, silica and vitamin B6 have more. There is about 0.6 grams to 100 grams sasaya khadyaamsa, 3.61 grams of sugar and 1.68 grams of sugar. It is also phaitoniutriyentasa, kiukarabitakinsa, liganansa and phlabhanayedasa.Cucumber diet:You can start by creating a diet cucumber salad. 

 To this diet you will feel hungry when they eat this nutritious vegetable.10-14-day diet your body will become more attractive medapurna. However, only 14 days, and can not stand the taste of cucumber. For this reason, the body of nutrients and other ingredients that cater to eat a cucumber diet every day.# Two egg white 150 g or 150 g of fish or chickenTwo large pieces of potatoes or bread # 3500 g of any fruit, nutritious #To drink water, tea or coffee without sugar can eat. However, soft drinks or alcohol or any kind of kyanadi absolutely forbidden.Thus, a diet for 14 days, if you like, 15 pounds can help limit the weight of the moment. However, it is what you must do when he gets hungry pustigune with any other food will eat the cucumbers. It will not be an empty stomach. If you do not reduce the weight of an empty stomach. And this can not be done more than once duimase diet at all.

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